Exi-NMS Site Management Platform
Technical Specifications
- Standard web browser based clients. No separate client application is required.
- Clients get distinct views for network management modules such as fault, configuration, accounting, inventory, user administration etc., which are completely localized.
- Clients can view fault occurring in a network in neatly aligned tabulated views/map views, from type specific node icons in network views, network navigator tree view, and in network alarm summary view.
- Perform network administrative functions such as add new networks or nodes, manage faults etc.
- Perform user administration tasks such as add / edit users, modifying user profiles, and users.
- Schedule reports, generate, and view performance reports in HTML and PDF formats.
- Generate alarms, summary, status, energy, product specific performance reports in HTML and PDF formats.
- Export to CSV and print the details of network alarms, network inventory, user session logs, etc.